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Countering the Threat of Insider Spies

David Charney was a speaker at the Institute of World Politics’ Chancellor’s Council Meeting. He spoke on the topic of “Countering the Threat of Insider Spies”. Here is a video…

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The Spy of Raspberry Falls

Kevin Mallory’s hatred was never for his country. It was only for himself, said Dr. David Charney in a BBC Radio documentary about this spy who worked for the CIA and spied for China. – From the BBC: Kevin Mallory lived a double life – he helped people on his street with yard work, went…

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Dr. Charney interviewed about NOIR in Psychology Today

Dr. David Charney, creator of the NOIR concept and author of  NOIR: True Psychology of the Insider Spy and Proposing a New Policy for Improving National Security by Fixing the Problem of Insider Spies, was recently interviewed by the magazine, “Psychology Today” about NOIR. – (Psychology Today, November 2014) . . . . Of course,…

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Café NOIR: Bloch, Freud, and the City of Spies

By John Irvin, NOIR Staff One of the most desirable ancillary benefits of the proposals put forth by Dr. David Charney, MD, in NOIR: A White Paper (accessible in its entirety on this website), is the potential for at least partially solving the problem of the so-called “non-prosecutable spy.” This is the individual who is…

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What Made Spy George Blake Tick?

By Dr. David Charney This article first appeared in Jeff Stein’s SpyTalk. What to make of George Blake, associated with the Cambridge Five, who died this week in Russia at the ripe old age of 98? Trying to understand the psychology of a mole is tougher than it first appears. The acronym MICE is bandied…

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Intelligence Matters Podcast: What Leads People to Spy

Michael Morell, former acting Director of the CIA, interviewed Dr. David Charney on the CBS News Radio podcast “Intelligence Matters” on what drives people to commit espionage. Listen on iTunes or here: This episode will post Wednesday. All will find it fascinating. From a man who has interviewed, extensively, real world spies, including Robert Hansen. If…

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Insider Spies: What is Appropriate Punishment?

By John Irvin “If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” —Albert Einstein While this is a genuine Einstein quote, he is often misquoted as having said, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a…

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Technology is NOT Stopping the Next Snowden

by John A. Irvin Sometimes being able to say I told you so just isn’t that satisfying. Sometimes it’s downright depressing. An article by myself and Dr. David Charney appeared over two years ago in the 25 March, 2014 issue of POLITICO Magazine titled “Stopping the Next Snowden.” It argued that the US government’s tendency…

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The Causal Nexus of Insider Espionage, Part I

By John Irvin NOIR Team In True Psychology of the Insider Spy, Part One of NOIR: A White Paper, Dr. David Charney postulates that the core psychology of the insider spy is an intolerable sense of personal failure, as privately defined by that person.  It is this subjective experience that allows the would-be insider spy…

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Half a Solution is Not a Solution

The one constant is the human mind, the way we think, which is ultimately the source of all acts of espionage.  By John Irvin A friend drove up in the classic 1960s sports car he has just purchased at considerable expense to both his personal finances and his marital relationship.  It was a genuinely beautiful…

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How to Take Care of an Ex-Spy

An idea to help former/retired Intelligence Community personnel that is along the same lines as the NOIR concept. Excerpts highlighted below; read the full article here. Comment by Dr. David Charney: Finally, a clear-minded statement about a pervasive shortfall within the intelligence community. Caruso’s article parallels my work as a psychiatrist who has studied these…

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Evaluating insider threat indicators and mitigation measures: A Delphi study

Dr. David Charney was part of a worldwide group of insider threat experts who were consulted for a University of Antwerp doctoral project on insider threats, which was published in April 2022. The project used the Delphi technique, which is “a widely used method of gathering group consensus from a panel of knowledgeable persons”.  The…

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